Paneling with insurance companies is a complicated decision that has both pros and cons. I may change I may change my mind in the future but for the time being, I have decided that involving a 3rd party in the relationship I have with my clients has more cons than pros. Involving insurance means reduced privacy for my clients, limitations on the number of sessions we can have together, and outside input into the course of therapy. It also means a lot of my time and energy is spent on paperwork and haggling with corporations that may hold different values than my own. Leaving the bureaucracy of insurance companies out of the relationship means we have more time and energy to put into providing thoughtful and personalized attention to my clients.

Please note that if your insurance company provides out-of-network care options, you may be able to submit invoices for reimbursement for our sessions. When looking into this with your insurance company, be sure to ask if there is a deductible you must meet, and if there is a copay or percentage of the cost that you will be responsible for.

*We also do provide limited sliding scale spots and other free and low-cost opportunities for resources and support.